Sunday, December 11, 2016

Cybersocks Regional 2016 - Challenge 1 - Write-Up

File :

Unfortunately, we didn't manage to solve this question while at the competition. So to redeem the 'sin' here is the write-up.

We had been given a somewhat raw file (encrypt.bin), which it size around 1GB++ size.

Using 'file' command doesn't give us something good.
shahril:ch1$ file encrypt.bin 
encrypt.bin: data

So back to the basic! View it using any hex editor.

There is a lot of  As characters there. If you scroll much further, you will see that there is a lot of chunk of bytes with As characters.

Maybe this file had been xored with an A characters before? This makes sense because if the original file has a lot of zero bytes, and if all of that zero bytes is xor with an 'A' character, the result will always going to be an 'A' character also. This assumption works on a lot of files, but not all (it will not work to the file containing randomly generated bytes).

However, we also have another problem. On the internet, a lot of xor-decoding tools can't handle such a big file in order to xor it back to original file. Most of the tools that I tried will throw a "Memory exhausted"-something like that error before the operation finished. My early assumption is that most of the tool stored the resultant xored bytes into the memory before it writes to the disk.

So, how can we deal with that problem? We write our own decoding program. It shouldn't be that hard.

#include <stdio.h>

 * Thanks Shahriman Caah for the recommendation
 * that using C is faster for large IO operation

int main() {

    char buf[1024];
    int bRead, filesize;
    FILE *fi = fopen("./encrypt.bin", "r");
    FILE *fo = fopen("./out.bin", "w");
    char xor_key = 'A';

    // get filesize
    fseek(fi, 0, SEEK_END); // seek to end
    filesize = ftell(fi);
    fseek(fi, 0, SEEK_SET); // seek back to beginning
    for(int i = 0; (bRead = fread(buf, sizeof(char), sizeof(buf), fi)) > 0;) {
        for(int x = 0; x < bRead; x++) buf[x] = buf[x]^xor_key;
        fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), bRead, fo);
        i += bRead;
        printf("\r%.4lf%%", (double)i/filesize*100); 

    printf("\nAll finished!\n");
    return 0;

Let's look again,

shahril:ch1$ ls
bce2a76d4b0804b0cc01cb8f8385b7fb_.7z  encrypt.bin

We have the code, compile & then run it,

shahril:ch1$ gcc xor.c -o xor -O3
shahril:ch1$ time ./xor
All finished!

real    0m4.309s
user    0m1.160s
sys     0m0.952s

Take a look again at the 'out.bin' file using Hex editor.

You must be kididng me!!! (pun intended) The header now shows 'KDMV' and it contains some junk data below it!!!

So run the `file` command again,

shahril:ch1$ file out.bin 
out.bin: VMware4 disk image

It is then obvious now.

With no further ado, load it up using Virtualbox.

While the Virtualbox load it up, this loading wallpaper appears,

What a memory!!

After the desktop appears, there are flag.txt inside it. Could it contain the flag? (tradam-dam-dam)

Arghhh, what again?!! (pun intended)

So finally! We have the final flag `do_you_like_ransomware?`.

Till we meet again. :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

KPMG Cyber Security Challenge 2016 - Questions Uploaded (Unofficial)

We have managed to collect some questions that were recently out at the competition. So by the spirit of "Sharing is Caring", we'd uploaded all questions that we have into Google Drive, just in case anyone wants to try this year questions in the future.

Questions :

For the write-ups, you can try to look at the previous post from Mokhdzani :

The repository isn't completed though with all the questions. So if you have questions that we don't and want to contribute, please don't hesitate to contact me : mohd_shahril_96 [at] yahoo [.] com. I'll gladly add that to the repo. :)


Sunday, October 23, 2016

UTPHAX'16 Pre-liminary Challenge 4 (Encryptilicous) Write-Up

Challenge Files :

Anyone who reversed the binary should come to the conclusion that it is just using xor encrypt (very simple encryption algorithm) to encrypts the data, with having the key 'dafa' hardcoded into the binary.

However, most of us might be confused with the fact that the output isn't same with the value returns by the encryptor function.


Let us observe below behavior, suppose that I want to encrypt "kkkk" with the encryptor program.

shahril:q4$ wine encryptor.exe > kkkk.bin
shahril:q4$ cat kkkk.bin | xxd -c 20
00000000: 456e 7465 7220 7465 7874 2079 6f75 2077 616e 7420  Enter text you want 
00000014: 746f 2065 6e63 7279 7074 3a0f 0d0a 0d0d 0a0d 0a    to encrypt:........

The output is the part that I highlighted, so the output will be :

0xf 0xd 0xa 0xd 0xd 0xa 0xd 0xa

Observing the above output, you must feel weird. How can suddenly "kkkk" produces 8 bytes hex while it should produce only 5 bytes hex (the xor-ed string + null terminator).

Hmm. something must be wrong here....

Firstly I thought that this behavior was produced by the encryptor.exe itself. So I studied the binary to observe whether this behavior is intended by the author or not.

So from above GIF, the encryptor function returns string containing the :

0xf 0xa 0xd 0xa

So above output hex length (4) + null terminator (1) = (5) output that we expected from the program.

So what is wrong here?

Null Terminator/Line Ending

There are one thing that needs to be clear out first, the behavior of line terminator between Windows and Unix-like OS is different.

Windows uses \r\n or 0xd 0xa for its line terminator.
Unix-like (Mac or Linux) uses \n or 0xa for its line terminator.

Read more here :

The different between line terminator behavior might confuse many of us, especially for those who didn't know that Windows uses different line ending than most OS do.

For those who had been programming inside Windows before, you all must have the experience where some naïve editor such as Windows's Notepad doesn't line terminate the \n byte. It only terminates when we put \r\n (carriage return + newline) inside the text file.

Identifying The Problem

After observing the encryptor.exe with PE file identifier, it said the program was compiled using GCC MINGW-64w compiler under Windows.

To make the problem much more easier to observe, let us create a simple program using C, that will print only a newline character to the stdout (screen).

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    return 0;

We need to compile the source into two binary programs, which both ELF (under Linux) and PE (under Windows).

shahril:q4$ cat test.c 

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    return 0;

shahril:q4$ gcc test.c -o test_unix
shahril:q4$ x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc test.c -o test_win.exe

And we try to run both of the programs, and pipe the stdout data into xxd (hex viewer).

shahril:q4$ ./test_unix | xxd -c 3
00000000: 0a       .
shahril:q4$ wine test_win.exe | xxd -c 3
00000000: 0d0a     ..
note: 0d0a is \r\n

From above output, we can conclude that, the Mingw GCC under Windows produces \r\n newline while Unix produces just \n newline.


So we know that encryptor.exe must also have converted the original \n into \r\n when it outputting the data into the stdout (screen).

We also know that encrypted.bin is the output from encryptor.exe.

However, encrypted.bin now contains the \r\n bytes that originally is just a \n. So how can we deal with this problem?

There is one tool inside Linux, that can automatically convert the \r\n bytes into \n. YES! dos2unix!

Let take a look again into the hex dump content of encrypted.bin :

shahril:q4$ cat encrypted.bin  | xxd
00000000: 250d 0d0a 180b 1416 040b 110d 0a04 070d  %...............
00000010: 0a 

The part that I highlighted is the \r\n hex bytes inside the encrypted.bin. So applying dos2unix into the encrypted.bin should remove the exceeded \r in front of \n byte.

shahril:q4$ dos2unix -f encrypted.bin 
dos2unix: converting file encrypted.bin to Unix format ...

Take a look again inside patched encrypted.bin content.

shahril:q4$ cat encrypted.bin  | xxd
00000000: 250d 0a18 0b14 1604 0b11 0a04 070a       %............

After having the good boy file, then we need to emulate the original encryptor.exe to decrypt the contents of converted encrypted.bin. So that purpose I created a simple Python script.

import sys, os

def main():

    # get file name from argument 1
    file = sys.argv[1]

    # get size in byte
    size = os.fstat(, os.O_RDONLY)).st_size

    with open(file, "r") as f:

        byte =
        i = 0

        # i < size-1 => to skip processing last null terminator
        while byte and i < size-1:

            result = chr(ord(byte) ^ ord("dafa"[i % 4]))

            byte =
            i += 1

    print ""

if __name__ == "__main__":

So, run the script, and we got the nice flag appears inside our terminal. :)

shahril:q4$ python encrypted.bin 

So the flag is "Allyoupeoplec"!

Till we meet again :)

Shahril, Alfarabi 2.0, UiTM Perlis